Author Guidelines
MB International Scholar Press aims to cover all major disciplines including science, medicine, technology, humanities and social sciences. The publication is a joint effort between the author(s) and the publisher. Author(s) are encouraged to concentrate on the scientific content only. The publisher will guide and take care of the layout and other formalities.
MB International Scholar Press publishes authored and edited Book, short Monograph, long Monograph, Book Chapter as a part of Edited Volume, Book series, Textbooks, Handbooks, etc. The Author Guidelines, presented here are based on standardized book writing norms and are fully approved by the MB International Scholar Press. Author(s) and Editor(s) should endeavour to follow these guidelines carefully before submitting the manuscript to the publisher.
If you have a book proposal, please send the book title, abstract and chapters titles to the following email ( Our editorial team will contact you after review of the proposal.
Types of Books
Authored Book: It is written by the single author or multiple authors. There is no page limit for a Book.
Book Chapter: It is written by the single author or multiple authors and published as a part of an Edited Volume. The work may be an original research on a particular subject or a specific aspect of that subject.
Edited Volume: It is a collection of book chapters written by multiple authors and edited by one or more editors on a particular subject or a specific aspect of that subject.
Long Monograph: It is a writing up to 200000 words written by one or more authors. The work may be an original research on a particular subject or a specific aspect of that subject.
Short monograph: Same as a Long monograph with a word limit up to 25000 words.
Book Series: It is the publication of a number of Books in a series of Volumes on a particular subject or a specific aspect of that subject. Each volume is edited by a minimum of one or more editors. The Authored book series volume may contain many chapters contributed by the same authors. The Edited book series volume may contain several chapters contributed by different authors, solicited by the Editor(s). At the same time, the editor(s) may also write some chapter(s). The publishing contract signed between Author(s)/Editor(s) and the publisher will initially be valid for three volumes and may be renewed by mutual consent for future volume(s).
Publishing Agreement
Once the peer-review is complete and the Work is accepted for publication by the Editor, the Editor/Author will need to sign a publishing contract for their book with MB International Scholar Press.
Main Guidelines for the Author(s)
1. Originality: Submission of a manuscript entails that the work has not been published previously nor is under consideration for publication elsewhere. Submission of any content to MB International Scholar Press will automatically transfer all rights for publication, selling and distribution in all forms of media (electronic and printed, etc.) to MB International Scholar Press. It is the responsibility of the person submitting the contents to have the prior written consent of the organization/person where/by whom the work was carried out.
2. English Style: The manuscript must be written in British or American English in a clear and active style to maintain the uniformity throughout the text. Authors from non-English speaking countries should team up with English speaking colleagues or contact with professional English editing companies for checking the language, style and grammar of the manuscript. Alternatively, for English language and grammatical corrections, editors/authors are advised to contact International Research Promotion ( to avail copyediting and language editing services (, our contracted publishing services company.
3. Content Organization: The manuscript may be divided into the following sections:
4. Files: The complete manuscript must be provided in the form of a single zipped folder containing soft copies of all the materials i.e., main text in MSWORD or Tex/Latex format, figures/illustrations, tables, equations and chemical structures, as separate files. A PDF version of the manuscript embedded with all the figures/illustrations/tables/chemical structures etc. in the correct location must also be submitted.
5. Numbering Style: Author(s) are requested to select the numbering style for the chapters and apply this style consistently to all chapters or sections.
6. Tables & figures should be placed inside the text. Tables and figures should be presented as per their appearance in the text. It is suggested that the discussion about the tables and figures should appear in the text before the appearance of the respective tables and figures. No tables or figures should be given without discussion or reference inside the text.
Tables should be explanatory enough to be understandable without any text reference. Double spacing should be maintained throughout the table, including table headings and footnotes. Table headings should be placed above the table. Footnotes should be placed below the table with superscript lowercase letters.
Each figure should have a caption. The caption should be concise and typed separately, not on the figure area. Figures should be self-explanatory. Information presented in the figure should not be repeated in the table. All symbols and abbreviations used in the illustrations should be defined clearly. Figure legends should be given below the figures.
7. Abbreviations, special characters, etc: Before submission, author(s) should carefully proofread the manuscript for abbreviations, special characters, mathematical symbols, Greek letters, equations, tables, figures, references and images, to ensure that they appear in proper order and format.
8. Nomenclature and Units
Internationally accepted rules and the international system of units (SI) should be used. If other units are mentioned, please give their equivalent in SI.
For biological nomenclature, the conventions of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria, and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature should be followed.
Scientific names of all biological creatures (crops, plants, insects, birds, mammals, etc.) should be mentioned in parentheses at first use of their English term.
9. Chemical nomenclature, as laid down in the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry and the official recommendations of the IUPAC-IUB Combined Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature should be followed. All biocides and other organic compounds must be identified by their Geneva names when first used in the text. Active ingredients of all formulations should be likewise identified.
10. Math formulae
All equations referred to in the text should be numbered serially at the right-hand side in parentheses. Meaning of all symbols should be given immediately after the equation at first use. Instead of root signs, fractional powers should be used.
Subscripts and superscripts should be presented clearly. Variables should be presented in italics. Greek letters and non-Roman symbols should be described in the margin at their first use.
To avoid any misunderstanding zero (0) and the letter O, and one (1) and the letter l should be clearly differentiated.
For simple fractions use of the solidus (/) instead of a horizontal line is recommended.
Levels of statistical significance such as: *P <0.05, **P <0.01 and ***P <0.001 do not require any further explanation.
Guideline for Reporting P values: P is always italicized and capitalized.
i) Correct exPublisherion: (P = .05). Wrong ExPublisherion: (P < .05), unless P < .001.
ii) The P value should be exPublishered to 2 digits whether or not it is significant. If P < .01, it should be exPublishered to 3 digits.
iii) When rounding, 3 digits is acceptable if rounding would change the significance of a value (eg, P = .049 rounded to .05).
iv) ExPublishering P to more than 3 significant digits does not add useful information since precise P values with extreme results are sensitive to biases or departures from the statistical model.
v) Reporting actual P values avoids this problem of interpretation. P values should not be listed as not significant (NS) since, for meta-analysis, the actual values are important and not providing exact P values is a form of incomplete reporting.
vi) Do not use 0 before the decimal point for statistical values P, alpha, and beta because they cannot equal 1.
11. Acknowledgements
A brief acknowledgement section may be given. The acknowledgements of people who provided assistance in manuscript preparation, funding for research, etc. should be listed in this section. All sources of funding should be declared as an acknowledgement. Authors should declare the role of the funding agency, if any, in the study design, collection, analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript. If the study sponsors had no such involvement, the authors should so state.
12. Competing Interests
Declaration of competing interest is compulsory. All authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work. Examples of potential conflicts of interest include employment, consultancies, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding. If no such declaration has been made by the authors, MB International Scholar Press reserves to assume and write this sentence: “Authors have declared that no competing interests exist.”
13. List of Contributors
Names of all contributors to the book, in alphabetical order with their affiliations and addresses, are published in this page.
14. Patient Consents
All clinical investigations must be conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki principles. No manuscript will be peer-reviewed if a statement of patient consent is not presented during submission (wherever applicable). This section is compulsory for medical Works. It should provide a statement to confirm that the patient has given the informed consent for the research work to be published. Editorial office may ask the copies of the consent documentation at any time. If the person described in the research work has died, then consent for publication must be collected from their next of kin. If the individual described in the article is a minor, or unable to provide consent, then consent must be sought from their parents or legal guardians.
15. Ethical approval (Wherever applicable)
This section is compulsory for medical research works. If human subjects are involved, informed consent, protection of privacy, and other human rights are further criteria against which the manuscript will be judged. It should provide a statement to confirm that the authors have obtained all necessary ethical approval from suitable Institutional or State or National or International Committee. This confirms either that this study is not against the public interest, or that the release of information is allowed by legislation.
All manuscripts which deal with animal subjects must be approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB), Ethical Committee, or an Animal Utilization Study Committee and this statement, and approval number must accompany the submission. If required, the author should be ready to submit a scanned copy of the IRB or Ethical Committee Approval at any stage of publication (Pre or post-publication stage). The manuscript should contain information about any post-operative care and pain management for the animals.
All manuscripts which deal with the study of human subjects must be accompanied by Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Ethical Committee Approval, or the national or regional equivalent. The name of the Board or Committee giving approval and the study number assigned must accompany the submission. If required, the author should be ready to submit a scanned copy of the IRB or Ethical Committee Approval at any stage of publication (Pre or post-publication stage).
16. Reference style
References must be listed at the end of the manuscript and numbered in the order that they appear in the text. Every reference referred to in the text must also present in the reference list and vice versa. In the text, citations should be indicated by the reference number in brackets [3].
Only published or accepted manuscripts should be included in the reference list. Articles submitted for publication, unpublished findings and personal communications should not be included in the reference list but may be mentioned in the text (e.g., T Nelson, Purdue University, USA, Unpublished results or personal communication). Avoid citing a “personal communication” unless it provides essential information not available from a public source, in which case the name of the person and date of communication should be cited in parentheses in the text. For scientific articles, obtain written permission and confirmation of accuracy from the source of a personal communication. An unpublished result which has been accepted for publication in any journal should be cited as “in Publisher”. Journal name abbreviations should be those found in the NCBI databases (Link:
All references should follow the following style:
Reference to a journal:
For Published paper:
1. Hilly M, Adams ML, Nelson SC. A study of digit fusion in the mouse embryo. Clin Exp Allergy. 2002;32(4):489-98.
Note: List the first six authors followed by et al.
Note: Use of DOI number for the full-text article is encouraged. (if available).
Note: Authors are also encouraged to add other database’s unique identifier (like PUBMED ID).
For Accepted, unpublished papers.
Same as above, but “In Publisher” appears instead of the page numbers.
1. Saha M, Adams ML, Nelson SC. Review of digit fusion in the mouse embryo. J Embryol Exp Morphol. 2009;49(3): (In Publisher).
Note: List the first six authors followed by et al.
Note: Use of DOI number is encouraged (if available).
Note: Authors are also encouraged to add other database’s unique identifier (like PUBMED ID).
For Articles not in English
Forneau E, Bovet D. Recherches sur l’action sympathicolytique d’un nouveau dérivé du dioxane. Arch Int Pharmacodyn. 1933;46:178-91. French.
Reference to a book:
Personal author(s)
Rang HP, Dale MM, Ritter JM, Moore PK. Pharmacology. 5th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 2003.
Editor(s) or compiler(s) as authors
Beers MH, Porter RS, Jones TV, Kaplan JL, Berkwits M, editors. The Merck manual of diagnosis and therapy. 18th ed. Whitehouse Station (NJ): Merck Research Laboratories; 2006.
Authored chapter in the edited publication
Glennon RA, Dukat M. Serotonin receptors and drugs affecting serotonergic neurotransmission. In: Williams DA, Lemke TL, editors. Foye’s principles of medicinal chemistry. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2002.
Reference to Web-resource or Electronic articles.
Hugo JT, Mondal SC. Parallels between tissue repair and embryo morphogenesis: a conceptual framework. Global Health. 2006;16:4. Accessed 29 March 2012. Available:
Anonymous. Parallels between tissue repair and embryo morphogenesis: a conceptual framework. Global Health. 2006;16:4. Accessed 29 March 2012. Available:
Reference to Organization as an author
Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. A study of digit fusion in the mouse embryo. J Embryol Exp Morphol. 2009;49(2):259–276.
17. Back Cover Page
A brief write-up (100-150 words) on the major contributions and current affiliation of the author and the Editor will be printed on the back cover page of the print version along with his/her photograph. Author and the Editor need to submit this information.